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Sayı: 53 - Kasım 2017


SteelPRO 2017 Colloquium

14th Structural Steel Design Student Competition SteelPRO 2017 Colloquium organized by Turkish Construction Steel Association was held during 18th Structural Steel day.
14th Structural Steel Design Student Competition SteelPRO 2017 Colloquium organized by Turkish Construction Steel Association was held during 18th Structural Steel day. In the colloquium participated by students regardless of having received an award or not where they can explain their projects, ask questions and receive answers, participants had the chance to have a conversation with SteelPRO 2017 Jury Chairman Nevzat Sayin and Jury Member Dr. Selcuk Iz on steel structure competition projects. Furthermore, they had the opportunity to listen to opinions of Yasar Marulyali and Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardimci, who were jury members of the competition for years, on steel structure design student competitions. Dogan Tekeli, being a connoisseur of national architecture, joined the colloquium towards the end and advised on competitions in his own time.

TUCSA Industry Awards 2017 Ceremony TUCSA Industry Awards Ceremony is a blissful part of the Structural Steel Day where many awards are handed to their winners and successes in our industry are honoured.

members having completed their 10th year in Turkish Construction Association. Next, winners of Steel Structure Design Student Competition awards held by Turkish Construction Association for the last 14 years and granted to engineering and architecture students to create awareness of steel structures were awarded in the presence of 18th Structural Steel Day participants. This year for the first time Story Awards were granted this year in TUCSA Industry Awards.

Writers of three stories selected by selecting jury for TUCSA Story Competition with “City” as the subject organized within the 25th year celebrations received their awards in 18th Structural Steel Day.

This year’s “Industry Contributors” award was presented to SteelORBIS and “Honorary Award” was presented to connoisseur of architectural world, Dogan Tekeli.

Çelik Yapılar - Sayı: 53 - Kasım 2017

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