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Sayı: 58 - Aralık 2018



A Light, Flexible and Porous Structure
A Light, Flexible and Porous Structure: IyziPark

Architectural Design: Ahmet Alataş Workshop

Structural Design: Peter Bauer Werkraum Ingenieure

Steel Construction: Algan Celik

Facade Shell Works: Kasso

Metal Works: Detay Metal

Iyzipark/Iyzico project in Altunizade/

Istanbul was designed as four buildings located in a green living space of six thousand square meters by Ahmet Alatas Workshop (AAW) and the landscape areas were planted with trees. AAW aimed to design a campus where end users of the building would feel happy and enhance their creativity and productivity.

With the landscape design of the green living space surrounding the buildings by AAW, the project comprises of a single-storey entrance and security structure (Block D), a two-storey building incorporating a fitness center, prayer room and changing rooms (Block A), another two-storey building incorporating meeting B), and the main building incorporating offices, cafeteria and recreation area (Block C).

Steel was used in the load bearing structures of all the buildings. Steel structures having been designed and optimised by Werkraum and Ahmet Alatas Workshop, designing the slabs with pretensioned reinforced concrete hallow slabs (Yapi Endustri Merkezi) enabled covering large spans in a much more economical manner and use of minimum quantity of steel. With the suggested composite system building, the aim was to keep the costs close to a reinforced concrete structure in a profoundly economical manner. This aim was achieved in this project and composite structures having all the advantages and characteristics of steel structures were constructed at the same cost with reinforced concrete buildings.

Entirety of the slabs of each building were placed in one day by placing prefabricated and pre-tensioned panels on steel structure without any formwork and specially developed connection details welded on steel beams were connected to the reinforcement within the taping concrete of slab panels in order to provide rigidity against seismic and other lateral loads.

In the roof terrace of the three-storey main building having a slender structure, it was aimed to reduce the seismic loads acting on the structure by using metal waffle slab system.

All load bearing structures were designed in a manner with no moment acting on the same and lateral loads were transferred to the foundations through diagolan steel structure elements.

All specifications and regulations in force were taken into consideration in the structural design.

Use of steel in Iyzipark was not limited to the load-bearing structure.

Staircases inside the structures and the gardens, backplates of landscape furnitures used on garden design acting as backrests supporting the soil behind, garden tables, decorative pool with lilies and fish, balustrades, special-designed fences, tables, caissons, meeting tables, stainless steel benches and wall covering materials were designed in steel by AAW. İzypark is the most up-to-date example of AAW’s design experiments for building the lightest and most porous structure as economically as possible which increases the productivity and creativity of the endusers whilst making them feel good. 

Çelik Yapılar - Sayı: 58 - Aralık 2018

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