Publications > Çelik Yapılar
Sayı: 49 - Ekim 2016
ONE Father and Son TWO Architects
Aydın BOYSAN: “One not affiliated with mathematics memorizes steel but executes as memorized” Architecture and engineering are two heads similar to each other in terms of creativity.
Aydın BOYSAN: “One not affiliated with mathematics memorizes steel but executes as memorized”
Architecture and engineering are two heads similar to each other in terms of creativity. During my time as an architect, my knowledge on mathematics and geometry supported me. This is a very important point. You can design structures only with such a mindset. Architect knowing mathematics enables grip on engineering and changes his way of thinking. Burak BOYSAN: “Saying I do not know Steel Structure Details is Only Whining Now” Engineer also needs to have an idea in his field. Engineers also tend to banalize a building, even a very small one. Like the insistence of placing a column if there is a certain span. As my father says, engineers do not allow architects to say a word if architect does not have any engineering knowledge; but if the architect is also a bit familiar with engineering knowledge, then architect can object and insist that something is doable. Otherwise, buildings start to appear much like each other.